Preacher Wesley Simons in the recording studio at WZAP.
During the golden age of broadcasting, there was a dire need to teach the Gospel through radio. Wesley Simons, the preacher for the Stoney Creek church of Christ, desired to begin a program that would earnestly contend for the faith. This program would not be like the rest of religious programming, but a new concept where people could call in and have a live Bible study over the air. After much elaboration with WZAP Radio in Bristol, VA and support of the church of Christ,  the Arise To Truth radio program aired for the first time March 5th 1985. The program since then has met much opposition, but has also received much praise. It has been the goal of this program to allow a freedom of religion policy, but also to reason through personal beliefs and doctrines. The Bible is the main focus in every program aired. Thus, the authority of all discussions always comes back to 'where can you find your beliefs in the Bible'? If someone is looking for truth, that is a major foundation of these efforts. If someone is willing to discuss their beliefs, we have a place for you in our program. This program also issues a warning.  Every listener's soul is too precious, hell is too hot, and eternity is too long to take anyone's word on any Bible subject.  It's encouraged for our listeners to always check us out, but not just us, but all who claim to speak in the name of the Lord.  We were trying, and still trying, to sell every precious soul on absolute, Bible authority. This program does not beat around the bush. Every effort is given to give a 'thus saith the Lord' and call things for what and who they are. If it goes against the Bible, we take a stand. Worship is important, so is Christian living. Doctrine must have importance too or it does not matter how frequently you worship or live for God, or it could be wrong.

Jesus said, "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men," (Mark 7:7).
A picture of WZAP from the parking lot
The years have flown since 1985.  As we look back through the many discussions and teachings done, we see that it has been more than worth while.  The radio program has helped many Christians to keep sound doctrine in their home and heart. Many members of the Lord's Church have listened, emailed, and called in.  We feel that this is the first and most important value of this work.  The second wonderful blessing is that over 100 precious souls have been added to the Lord's Church!  We only get one chance at getting things right in this life.  We believe in contending for the faith (Jude 3), and being ready to give an answer for what we believe (I Pet. 3:15).  We trust that you also want to be right in the sight of God.  "We now commend you to God and to the Word of His grace which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all them who are sanctified" (Acts 20:32). God bless you as you study the greatest of all books the inspired, inerrant, perfect will of God.    
A picture of Studio A at WZAP
There are many congregations who have helped in the success of this program:  
  • Crandull church of Christ
  • Stoney Creek church of Christ
  • Mtn. View church of Christ
  • C St. church of Christ
  • Abingdon church of Christ
  • Lebanon church of Christ
  • Valley church of Christ
  • E. Bristol church of Christ
  • State Street church of Christ
  • Liberty Hill church of Christ
These churches and others have seen to it that the bill at WZAP has always been paid.  Their help cannot be adequately expressed by this program. We are eternally indebted to these people and others.